Theme The Client Side - Part 1

Theme The Client Side - Part 1
Theme The Client Side - Part 2
Theme The Client Side - Part 3

OrbitDesk ships with a built in "lite" theming system to help you preserve your organization theme or colors.

This system is not intended as a "full theme engine", any more than OrbitDesk "Pages and Knowlwdge Base" are a "full CMS". It does, however, provide you with some basic tools to help you customize the Client facing part of your OrbitDesk Support system.

For best results, we recommend something similar to the following outline to take full advantage of this feature.

First, be sure to set your Desk Name and upload your Logo in the "First Steps Settings" outlined [here], [here], and in this [video].

Second, navigate to the Theme Settings Page at Admin=>Settings and clicking the Themes button.


If you scroll down this page, note at the bottom that we have included the "Default Settings" in case you wish to cancel your changes, or wish to restore the Default look and feel for the Client side.


Note: You can also take your Client Side to "Offline" while you adjust your Theme Settings, by navigating to Admin=>Settings=>System and clicking and saving the "Offline" option.


Now we can continue with setting up a "Custom Client Side Theme" with Part 2 of this tutorial.

Theme The Client Side - Part 1
Theme The Client Side - Part 2
Theme The Client Side - Part 3

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